Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Outside Assistance?

As we all know, Spiro rocks. It says so in the band's URL. And if you were at either the Dwelling show or the Cass show, you would know that. Heck, if you've heard any of our songs, you'd think it obvious.

But I'm worried about Ryan. While we can chalk up many of our problems at the Dwelling show to technical shortcomings, I felt during the performance that there was a larger struggle occurring. I've confronted Ryan about it and he finally confessed: in order to rock even harder, he has made a pact with the devil Faustian-style.

Here is my proof:

and further proof, as the situation progressed later in the evening:

Taken by Mr. Shane Guess, an unaltered, unmitigated documentation of a man's soul being devoured by the Prince of Darkness himself.

May we all be saved.

Keep a good thought,




Blogger D. Bethel said...

No one said it would be pretty. At least you can legitimately say, "The devil made me do it!"

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live for Ryan's spontaneously-combustible supreme devil-rock.

1:17 PM  

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